Tag: Issue 90

Book Review: Turn Your Fate Into Gold

Hunted by bomashonisa, hit by depression and eventually turning the tide

Mfuneni Barnabas Mabunda hails from a village in Mpumalanga and is the author of “Turn Your Fate Into Gold: Take Heart My Son”. The novel portrays the many struggles faced by black South Africans through the character, Topson Makhandla. Magnificent Mndebele talks to the writer about being inspired by real life experiences.Topson Makhandla is an intelligent young man who passes high school with flying colours.

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It’s the new Age of Discovery — but where are the pilots?

“Globalisation is being badly managed”

Globalisation was once promoted as the solution to the world’s problems. But increasingly we’re seeing it has bad effects as well as good ones. So is there a way to make it work for all countries, continents — and the planet? Professor Ian Goldin of Oxford pondered the problem at a Stellenbosch University seminar. MICHELLE GALLOWAY reports.“We live in a world that is hyper-connected – our future is shaped by events that happen elsewhere.

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Making and re-making history

Review: A History of The Iziko South African National Gallery

Galleries are vital spaces, public places where we are able to contemplate and better understand the complexities and makings of our society. In this way, they are much like history museums, only their walls are lined with canvases and contain installations or sculpture works rather than taxidermy, ancient or antique objects, and glass-cased re-enactments of battle scenes and civilizations.Cape Town’s Iziko National Gallery is a historically complex, but vital combination of gallery space.

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Women media pioneers in the diaspora

Fighting gender inequality and patriarchal gate keeping

African journalists continentally and in the diaspora have had to deal with slavery, colonialism and civil rights issues before getting recognition as professional media players. For African women, most of whom were either forced out of the continent through generational slavery or exiled due to political volatility they have had to face further prejudices – gender inequality, inadequate education, and patriarchal professional gate keeping.

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