The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has reported that 81% of new registrations are under 30. Nwabisa Timeni spoke to students around Bloemfontein to find out who they will be voting for.

Songezo Gidaga (27) / MSc Biochemstry, University of the Free State (UFS)

“I have not registered to vote but I would vote for the ANC. I would like to see all parties getting a chance to implement what they believe is good for the country”.

Gillian Buffel (21) / BsocSc majoring in Psychology, UFS

“I did not register but I regret it. The reason I chose not to participate because I thought my vote would not matter. If I was able to vote, I would support the current ruling party”.

Unathi Tshaka (22) / Electrical Engineering, Motheo TVET College

“I have registered to vote about four years ago, not certain if it’s still valid. I intend to vote for the EFF. I feel like Julius Malema should be given a chance to prove himself by fulfilling the promises he has made. Let there be change. Everything has changed now, for the worst. Example, if you rape a person you’re given a sentence of a year or two. With Malema, harsher sentences would be given. And if you murder someone, you should also be killed”.

Puleng Mabe (20) / BA Media Studies and Journalism, UFS

“I am registered to vote for the 2019 elections. It will be the first time that I vote. I believe the EFF is capable of removing the ruling party that has dominated the country’s political system for so long.”

Tshepo Moreothata (24) / BA Governance, UFS

“I am not registered to vote because I don’t see the point of voting. We vote and we don’t see any change taking place. The government tells us that students will receive bursaries but this has not materialised. Many students still face exclusion from varsities.”

Dumisani Mbatha (23) / Digital Production, Boston City Campus

“I’m not registered to vote. I would vote for the ANC though”.

Mdau Mthembu (19) / BA Journalism, UFS

“I am not registered to vote. I am stuck because I haven’t really identified a party that represents my interests as a young person in the country. I just don’t have confidence in the options available because if we look at history, it’s just been a bunch of promises and very little action”.

Keneilwe Mphirime (23) / Bcomm Economics, UFS

“I am registered to vote. But I don’t know who I am going to vote for because all these parties are selling us dreams and making promises they know for sure they are not going to fulfil”.