Author: administrator

A tender-hearted combatant of love

Zubeida told me she was working on an important story and I knew from that moment that I wanted to carry that amount of dedication and commitment to journalism and to shaping the conversations needed in order to transform society.

In October, Zubeida Jaffer received the prestigious 2020 Allan Kirkland Soga Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her sustained and extraordinary contribution to journalism, including her impeccable ethics and craft excellence.

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Over 130 villages around East London are without water

“What the municipality told us is that when they open water to our taps, the hospital and the town suffers. It means if we have water, then the hospital and the town will be out of water.”

Villagers in Ngqushwa in the Eastern Cape say they have marched and sent petitions to authorities but little relief has been provided to their shortage of water that has lasted about 10 years.In the 1970s, South African student protests spurred an international divestment movement.

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Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture

Leader of the only successful slave revolution in history

An outstanding study of how ‘the first black superhero of the modern age’ led the world’s only successful slave revolution.
In January 1804, the West Indian island of Saint-Domingue became the world’s first black republic. The Africans toiling on the sugar-rich plantations overthrew their French masters and declared independence. The name Saint-Domingue was replaced by the aboriginal Taíno Indian word Haiti (meaning “mountainous land”) and the Haitian flag created when the white band was ceremonially ripped from the French tricolour.

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Press Freedom: from State control and ideological strait-jackets

In May 2021 we will celebrate the Windhoek Declaration on the free press. What is its relevance today?

It is going to take new and expanded forms of plurality in all media forms including contesting public broadcasters so that they genuinely are not just platforms of the state and campaigns…

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