Tag: Issue 105

Abantu Book Festival: The future is female

Black women media pioneers take their place at the book festival

Editor of The Journalist’s Pioneers section, Phindile Xaba, will be at the Abantu Book Festival next weekend, speaking to festival goers about some of the historical media pioneers The Journalist has covered over the past four years. But her work is not as simple as dusting off volumes of the past, instead it’s a conscious effort to write back into history those black media pioneers, particularly women, who have been written out of the archives.

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Man of Letters and a Champion of Books

Tribute to Flaxman Qoopane (July 23, 1955 – November 22, 2017)

Flaxman Qoopane was a cultural activist, poet, writer and journalist passed away almost a year ago at the tender age of 62. During his time he churned out countless books and articles in a variety of publications and contributed immensely to African literature and academia at large. Some of his books include From My Diary, A Poet Abroad, Letters to a Poet (edited by Molebogeng Alitta Mokhuoa) as well as Adventures in Journalism…

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African communication academics gather in Ghana

Foundation for continent wide media and academic platform

All roads led to the University of Ghana in Accra in the first week of November 2018. Academics from across the continent and beyond in the communication, media and journalism disciplines gathered at the country’s oldest campus to forge greater cooperation and research capacity.

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Journalism tops list of “most dangerous” professions in the world

Women might be more at risk of threats to their safety

Journalism continues to top the list of “most dangerous” professions in the world. Whether actively covering conflicts or not, journalists face threats of death or bodily harm, intimidation, arrests and jailing. Even in non-conflict situations, they face travel restrictions, defamation suits, tax investigations, censorship…

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Book Extract: Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation

A first-hand account of the #FeesMustFall movement

Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation is a first-hand account of the university protests that gripped South Africa between 2015 and 2017, widely known as the #FeesMustFall. Rekgotsofetse Chikane outlines the nature of student politics in the country before, during and after the emergence of #MustFall politics, exploring the political dynamics that informed and drove the student protests…

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How many bullets will it take to kill us all

A poem for Steve Biko, Imam Haron and Farouk Asvat

Mphutlane Bofelo was detained for eight months and given a one year prison sentence thereafter, at the age of 17 in 1985. The severe trauma of the experience has not left him and he has written a poem for those who did not survive the human rights abuses of the apartheid government and where we find ourselves in this political moment.

I have vivid memories of being detained a week before I was to sit for my standard 10 examinations in 1985. I was just 17 years old at the time.

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Black man you are not on your own

We need to talk about depression – it’s not a white disease

Depression has plagued African families for a very long time and increasing suicide rates call for urgent action. African parents need to wake up to the reality that their black children are dying in silence.We’re talking more about depression, perhaps because it is so prevalent it can no longer be ignored. Veteran actress and producer Sonia Mbele recently admitted that she considered suicide. Rapper Jabulani Tsambo, otherwise known…

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