Tag: Issue 101

We should all be feminists

Feminism isn’t a dirty word

If you had asked me even two years ago if I considered myself a feminist, I don’t know what I would have said. It’s quite daunting when someone asks you to label yourself, as labels often stick and don’t allow for growth and change, and so one should not do so lightly. But now, if you ask me if I am a feminist, my immediate and passionate response would be a resounding ‘Yes!’

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Harming the planet with plastic poison

Our attitude towards the Earth urgently needs to change

Global Warming is one of the most pressing issues in today’s climate. Burning fossil fuels to generate electricity, burning coal, transport systems, and even the animal agricultural industry all add to the destructive gases in our planet’s atmosphere. We need to realise as a collective, that if the oceans die, then we die.

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Fare’s fair: Chronicle of a Cape Town taxi ride

This ride may cost your life

“CLAREMON-MOBRI-KAAP!” yells a yellow beady-eyed man from the half-open taxi. He chucks the door open and jumps out. They call him ‘Gaatjie’ although I doubt it’s his Christian name. “Kom nou mêrem nou ry gou ry!” He shepherds each passenger into the taxi, stacking them like a Cozy Corner Polony Gatsby. “Righto driver, GOOOI!”The taxi whips away as if it’s about to dice, powered by the modified engine designed for stealthily weaving through traffic faster than the V-dubs at the drags.

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Rioting and writing: Diaries of Wits Fallists

#FeesMustFall is a “must read”

Fallism will pass to history as a major earthquake that moved the foundations of South African consciousness and society, but also as a project that brought back the idea of decolonisation as an incomplete project in full force to South Africa. In this, Fallism is not alone, as decolonisation movements and projects have been growing world-wide. But Fallism has unique contributions that this book helps to identify and make clear.This book is an extremely valuable and much needed contribution to the emerging literature about Fallism.

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