Category: Academic Papers

Noma and the 3C’s


n this comic book by ILRIG and the Environmental Monitoring Group, our super-hero Noma confronts a triple curse that is now facing not only South Africa but all of humanity. The destructive and exploitative system of Capitalism which has allowed governments and corporations to exploit humans, the earth and destroy nature in the process.

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The Nigerian press, the public sphere and sustainable development: Engaging the post amnesty deal in the Niger Delta

Poet who made black “cool” in Britain wins 2020 Pen Pinter Prize

The coalescence of effective media and the public sphere is a synergy that brings about democracy, sustainable development and good governance. Irrespective of its shortcomings, the Nigerian media has been described as a bastion of people’s agitation, which impacts on the public sphere, a realm where private individuals meet to address societal questions with the state. This is the case with the Nigerian press, whose duties and ideals have been called to action in the wake of the amnesty deal in the Niger delta.

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Towards a Transformation Communication Theory: UbuNtu, Prince, and the Oral-Aesthetic Perspective

Music is culture and what musicians do is society

A BaNtu proverb says: “What you think belongs to you, but what you say belongs to the community.” This consciousness is extended further through the dynamics of African musical expression which, from a culturally-centered perspective is properly regarded as an enhanced form of speaking. By Malaika Mutere

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SACOMM Emerging scholars’ Pre-conference 2018

Date: 11 September 2018 (09:00-16:00)

This year the SACOMM emerging scholars’ pre conference is being hosted at the University of Johannesburg a day before the main conference themed ‘Communication at the crossroads’. The pre-conference will include the usual AGM to vote on important issues that impact on emerging scholars in the communication discipline.

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