Search Results for: PROF NJABULO NDEBELE

Mancoba in a class of his own

The late Ernest Mancoba, painter and sculptor, should be to South Africans as Van Gogh is to the Dutch and Picasso is to the Spanish.  He, like others, have for too long been excluded from the South African narrative. He is considered to be in a class of his own and yet his work is not sufficiently studied at South African universities or art schools. The father of writer Njabulo Ndebele, Nimrod Ndebele, a playwright and friend, is known to have described Mancoba as the leading intellectual of his generation in the 1930s.

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Man of Letters and a Champion of Books

Tribute to Flaxman Qoopane (July 23, 1955 – November 22, 2017)

Flaxman Qoopane was a cultural activist, poet, writer and journalist passed away almost a year ago at the tender age of 62. During his time he churned out countless books and articles in a variety of publications and contributed immensely to African literature and academia at large. Some of his books include From My Diary, A Poet Abroad, Letters to a Poet (edited by Molebogeng Alitta Mokhuoa) as well as Adventures in Journalism…

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